For bass guitar I've also had good luck running one of the fingered bass soundfonts from Hammersound through different amp models. I think it was called "Bass Fingered" or "fingeredbass", don't remember which.
sonivox 250mb gm soundfont hit
However, the source files in the above link are not in .sf2 format. You can find people that have converted them elsewhere as individual .sf2 files for each instrument. I did some digging and was able to find someone who stuck the whole instrument library into one big (540+ MB) soundfont called SSO_COMPLETE.sf2. It's really fantastic and available here: -recent-adventures-in-soundfonts/ I can load it up on my iPad 4 and iPhone 5 with BS-16i, but my son couldn't get it to work on his iPad 3.
What's lacking from my library are some really nice Hammond organ soundfonts. I haven't been impressed with the ones I've gotten from Hammersound. Also I'm still looking for some nice thick saw lead soundfonts. There's a bunch of people on Ebay that are selling sets of modern keyboard soundfonts that I'm tempted to try.
I ran out of space on my free Dropbox account so I had to delete some stuff. I still have the divvied up Sonatina soundfonts, the Bellatrix soundfonts and the Squidfont soundfont (which has the best strings of all of them), so let me know if you need those links.
One note about large zip files - a 200 or 400 MB zip file does NOT necessarily mean that you have one giant .sf2 file. What the guy did in the link above was zip together packs of a bunch of .sf2 files. An .sf2 file can have just one soundfont, or a bunch of them when you open it up in BS-16i. I tested the "Part 3" one in the link above (28 MB zip) and after unzipping with Goodreader, it was actually a bunch of smaller .sf2's for individual sounds, only about a 1MB or so each!
Hi guys. New to the whole soundfont thing and just got the bs-16i. And now I'm on the search for sf2 files. But came across some with the .soundpack extension. How do I open them on my iPad? Can goodreader handle those too?
I believe yowza is correct. This was investigated in several threads and there are PC only tools to to it (or to assemble soundfonts), but nothing that worked for iPad, at least not gracefully. Still, a TON of options out there as is.
@Jakersjaw - anything with the .sf2 format works with no hassle on iPad other sound font extensions need to be unpacked or coverted via PC. Like someone else said there are tons of great soundfonts available with the proper extension. Heck, there's a bunch on just this thread! Since youre new to them I will say that most every font you download will have some great and some crappy sounds mixed in. Some of the better ones available are already in this thread
@JMSexton yeah i know there is a ton out there. Just hit one of those sfpack files (not soundpack as I wrote earlier) and wondered how to open them. Found a lot of nice sounds already. Glad I took the plunge into soundfont-world learning so much from you guys!!!
Hey guys, thanks for sharing great info and sounds. I'm wondering if anybody knows what soundfonts were used in the Artifake Lab's Symphonia vst? I've been trying to extract them but they seem to have been compressed it with synthedit. 2ff7e9595c