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Anno Domini Mount And Blade


A projectile weaponry that uses gunpowder to accelerate its bullet, it comes in various caliber sizes and forms. The most often seen example of such a weapon is the 200 x 25mm smoothbore gun mounted to the forearm of the HRL's Tieren series. Ammunition is stored in a large, external drum magazine. Much like main battle tanks of the 20th century, the 200 x 25mm smoothbore gun also mounts a 12.7mm machine gun alongside the main weapon. Some versions of the smoothbore gun has up to two large carbon blades that run the length of the main barrel. These blades also serve as heat sinks to help cool the weapon in the vacuum of space.

Anno Domini Mount And Blade

Touching the succession of the Romaine byshops, their order, [...]and the tymes, wherein they raigned from the beginning, diuerse men thinke diuersly: whose opinions I wil here briefly set downe, &c. Some wryte whereunto the ecclesiasticall history agreeth, that after the death of Peter sitting at Rome chiefe of the Churche xxv. yeares. Linus did next take the gouernement vpon him. And when he had ruled xii. yeares, in the second yeare of Titus, he lefte it to Anacletus, who also after other xii. yeares gaue it to Clement, whiche semeth to be in the xiii. yeare of Domician. Clement after nine yeares suffered vnder Traian. After him in the fourth place, came Euaristus, the nexte was Alexander, and then Sixtus, and so forth. But other wryte that Linus and Cletus, were both vnder Peter (as his vicars or curates) and that Peter as soone as he had taken the Papacy vpon him, did appointe Linus in his steade to gouerne the churche, whereby he him selfe might the better folowe his function of preaching: and that he departing after twelue yeres, Peter did substitute Cletus in his place, who also dying after twelue yeres, euen the same yere that Peter suffered vnder Nero. Then Peter committed his seate to Clemēt, giuing to him and his successours power to bynde and loose, whome Anacletus succeded in the tyme [Page 13] of Domician, then folowed Euaristus, &c. But because these accomptes do not agree, let vs consider wherein they differ, and so trie whiche semeth more credible. Therefore if Linus left Anacletus, and he Clemens, then is Clement thrust out of the beadroll of Popes, whose reuerence is so great among all Churches, that he is not only mentioned among martyrs, but also in the Canon of the masse, and in the Letany or procession, is placed betwene Linus and Clemens. But if after Linus, Cletus be placed, and then Clemens, then Euaristus, then Alexander, &c there is no place for Anacletus to get in. And Beda in his Martyrtologie, that Anacletus was the fourthe after Peter, and suffered vnder Domician, making Linus first, Cletus second, Clemens thirde, and Anacletus fourth. But if Anacletus be placed after Clement, and as Beda sayeth, died vnder Domician, then cannot it holde that his predecessour Clemens should suffer vnder Traian, because it may euidētly be proued that he suffered vnder Domician, if his successour Anacletus bee not denied to suffer vnder the same Emperoure. Furthermore, if Linus and Anacletus, as some saye, or Linus and Cletus, as other saye: did bothe rule twelue yeares a peece after the death of Peter, dyinge the xiiii. yeare of Nero, then it arysing to 24. yeares, it falleth out that the latter of them should suffer in the xii. of Domician, & so Clemens could not receaue power to binde and loose, neither the seate of Peter. Whiche opinion also is cōfirmed of diuerse: and to this is added that Dionysius Areopagita hasting from Athens to Rome againste the martyrdome of the Apostles Peter and Paule, but comming a little to late, and sone after their deathes, did there finde Clemens his scholefellowe bishop of Rome. &c. Who sent the same Dionysius into Fraunce to preache: But it is saide that this Dionysius was martyred Anno domini. 96 whiche is the xiiii. yeare of Domician, and before his death he had continued long, & had done very muche in Fraūce, [Page] and yet it is sayde that Clemens who sent him thether, was made byshop but the twelfth yeare of Domician. Againe, the booke of the passion of Pope Alexander saith, that Clemens was ye first after Peter, for so it is there written. In the fift place after Peter came Alexander. But if it were the second from Peter, then it foloweth that Cletus being before Clement, and Anacletus after him be pushed out, because Alexander must be the fifte: Namely Peter first, Linus seconde, Clement thirde, Euariste the fourth, and Alexander the fifte: For otherwyse Alexander cannot be the fift from Peter, because if Linus be the seconde frō Peter, and Cletus after Anacletus, be placed before Clement, Alexander shalbe the sixt: But if Cletus be before Clement, and Anacletus after him, then shall Alexander be the seuenth, vnlesse Clement be the second after Peter.

THe first bishop was one Linus, a Thuscane borne, a man of pure and godly life, according to the example of the Apostles, who for preaching the Gospell, suffered martyrdome vnder Saturninus the Consull, while Vespasian raigned. Diuerse fansies are fathered vpon this man, as that he decreed by the commaundement of Peter being dead, that no woman should enter into the temple bareheaded: whiche cannot be, for there were no temples in Rome til the time of Constantine the Emperour, for Christian Congregations. And Man [...]uan Fastor. 1. testifieth that they were fayne for feare of the tyrantes, to forsake towne and City, and to lyue in these dayes in desertes, woodes, and mountaynes, whiche maye bewraye the dotage of Platina and other who charge these first godly martyrs with diuerse supersticions diuised by other long after.

STeuen the seconde, immediatly stept in after this other 92 Steuen, who for his superstitious and ambitious dealing in their religion, is compted of the Papistes a Godly byshop: But note the misterie of his iuggling, he hauing thus by craft and guyle obtayned the Popedome, he immediatly subdued to the sea of Rome, all the dominion of Rauenna, which had wrought the Pope so much displeasure, and beside many other countreys in Italy, thereby to obtaine the kingdome of Italy. He craued of Pipin importunatly to reuenge his quarell against A [...]stulphus kyng of Lombardy, for demaunding subsidie of him and his Prelates. Pipin to gratifie the Pope, in consideration of the kingdome of Fraunce gotten by his meanes, after he had longe besieged, & often assaulted, the dominion of Rauenna, at the length deliuering it from the garison of Lombardy, yelded it as a present to the Pope, with al ye townes thereof, euē to the goulph of Uenice. And thus they robbed the Emperour of that dominion, and withal pulled down the thirde part of the strengthe of the Romaine Empire, empairing thereby the East Empire. And as for the weste Empire, which then was arising, it lost his strengthe likewyse. But Pope Steuen hereupon annoynting bastarde Pipin and his two sonnes agayn [...], and geuing him a pardon for falsefying his oath of alegeaunce, did more ratifie [Page 49] him and his, in the kingdom for euer, cursing all those that at any time should speake against him. Also he shaued Childericus againe, and made him newely Monke, and so put him afreshe into an Abbey, to make all sure. Pipin for this fel downe flat on the ground & kissed the Popes feete, held his stirropes, and toke the bridle in his hande, and played the osteler, an [...] vowed perpetuall fealtie to the Pope. The Pope to thanke God for this benefite of so great honour, whiche nowe began, caused procession to be song through all Rome, and the Apostles tombes and other sainctes reliques to be borne about and shewed openly, and him selfe to be caried triumphantly through the middes of the people on his porters shoulders in his Pontificalibus. Which vse of being borne on mens shoulders, his successours haue estemed as a moste holy thing. He confirmed by his auctoritie, that all Popes tradicions should be taken for good. He forgaue all treasons against Princes: for the hatred he bare the Grecians, he studied to chaunge the Empire frō them into Fraunce. He furnished the churches in Fraunce with pricke song and descant. And whatsoeuer henceforth could be wrested from the Empire, he cōmaūded it should be S. Peters see, and so dedicated to the churche of Rome: he died Anno 757.

202 IOhn the xxiii. a Frenchman borne, called Iacob Caturcensis bishop and Cardinall of Portua, after ye seate had beene voyde through ye discorde of 23. Cardinals ii. yeares, was chosen Pope at Lions: from thence remouinge his Court to Auenio he created viii. Cardinals, amonge whō was Iacob Caturcensis the yonger his sisters sonne, and Iohn Caietan of the house of Vrsine. He deliuered Hugh Gerard bishop of Caturcia, to a seculer Courte beinge disgraded and spoyled of his pontifical araye to be tormēted, his skin fleed from his bodye & then to be burned to death, because he had (as he saide) conspired against his parson. He was so new fangled that he made much chopping and chaunginge, erecting and supplanting of bishoprickes, abbeyes, and such like dignityes. He made two Thomasses Saincts, the one bishop of Hertford in England, ye other Thomas Aquinas a dominican, beside sondrye other. Hee ordayned that belles should be ronge thrise in the day, that the people fallinge on their knees euen as they go in theyr waye, shoulde saye Aue Maria thrise. He condemned them for obstinate heretickes, that defended that Christ and his Apostles possessed nothing priuatly, and sent commaundement to the Uniuersities that no scholers should presume to dispute therof. He condemned the wryting of one Peter a franciscan fryer, who wente aboute to encourage men to follow the pouertye of Christe, for the which thinge many were condemned & burnte. He exempted the white fryers from all iurisdiction, reseruing them onelye to S. Peters auctoritye his deare children, and made diuers of them bishops: for (by the suggestion of Sathan, as surely it maye [Page 132] be well thoughte) he had a wonderfull straunge vision before he came to be Pope, as he him selfe testifyeth in a certaine bull, that is this: That the Uirgin Mary deliuered him from his ennemyes amonge great debate of the Cardinals, and made him Pope, but vpon this condition that he should saue from Purgatorye these his bretherne. This Pope Iohn taught certaine errours, namelye that ye soules departed from the bodye do not see God till the day of Iudgemente: for so (sayth Massaeus) his father taughte him, being deluded with the false visiō of one Tundalus an Irishman. He sent to Paris twaine, the one a dominicke ye other a franciscan, to preach ye same heresye: but one Thomas VValleis an English fryer dominick, withstoode the Pope in his heresye, whom the Pope committed to prison. Durandus of S. Porcian, VVilliam of Callis, and other wt stoode the Pope likewyse. Touching the errour & grosse heresye of this Pope Iohn, he was charged with it in the councell of Constance by these wordes: Pope Iohn sayde and stubbornely beleeued, that the soule of man dyeth together with the body, & is consumed to nothing like the soule of brute beastes: whereof he neuer would purge him selfe. Furthermore because that Thomas Vvalleis an Englishman was imprisoned by the Pope for reprouinge his heresye, the kinge of Fraunce sommoned a councell into his Pallaice in Viciana sylua, where the whole assemblye subscribed against the Popes heresye: and therefore the kinge sent to Pope Iohn, willinge him both to reforme his heresye, and also to deliuer the prysoner, & so the said Thomas was set at libertye. This Pope reformed and transposed the orders & decrees of the Church at his owne pleasure, & made Colledges of Scribes according to the nomber of the Apostles, who receyuing their fee, should write such letters as he should appoint. He cōdemned Iohn Poliacus a deuine, because he taught that mē should not trust the begging fryers. He cōpelled certaine Nonnes called [Page] Biginae to marrye, and detested pictures. He helde it for a grounded article that Christ gaue none other rule of godlinesse to his Apostles then to other Christians, and that ye Apostles neuer vowed pouertye. Iohn Mandeuil in his first booke and seuenth Chapter, sheweth that this Pope wrote at large to the Greekes that there is but onely one Christian Church, and that he was head thereof and vicar of Christ, to whō the Greekes aunswered briefely: VVee do assuredlye acknowledge your highe power ouer your subiectes, but wee cannot abide your high pride, wee cannot stanch your greedye couetousnes: the deuill is with you but God is with vs. Thus briefely in a worde they reuealed the Popes estate. This Pope condemned Lewis Bauare a noble Emperour, to be a rebell to the Church, a scismaticke and hereticke, because he toke vpon him by the Electours choyse the gouernment of ye Empyre, not vowing anye fealtye to the Pope. Thus wryteth Iohn Marius of this Emperour Lewis: Pope Iohn (sayth he) hated vnto death Lewis Bauare, partly because he beinge chosen by the estates of Germanye kinge of the Romaynes, did disdaine to receyue at the Popes hand (according to ye Canon of Pope Clement the fifte) the name and title Emperiall, partly againe because he defended from the Popes power certaine monkes whom he had condemned for heretickes: therefore Pope Iohn auouched Lewis to be an hereticke. Lewis comminge into Italye, appointed his deputies in euery Cittye and came to Millen: and because he desired to qualifye the Popes displeasure, he sent Embassadours to him kepinge his courte then at Auenio in Fraunce, to require of him the ornamentes belonging to the estate imperiall, with freindlye affection as his auncestours had done: the Pope did not onelye denye the sute, but sent awaye the Embassadours with great reproche, and cited the Emperour him selfe peremptory wyse (as they terme it) to come to Auenio, & submit himselfe to the Canons of ye Church. [Page 133] The Emperour knowinge the Popes tyrannye vsed in his Church, & vnderstanding that he had his estate giuen him from God, desired to keepe and defende the same holye and vndefiled: and therefore woulde not submit himselfe like a slaue vnto Popes, and so denyed to come to Auenio. And yet being desirous of peace, he besought the Pope by Embassadours once againe, to bestowe on him with curtesye ye ornamentes of the Empyre: the Pope stoode peuishlye in his wilfulnes, vaunting and boasting in his wrytings, yt he had power to playe make & marre wt Princes, and yt at his pleasure he might set vp and depose whom he listed: and yt the Empyre being voyde, the Pope is ful Emperour: And for malice against Lewis he excōmunicated the Uicounts, whom the Emperour had appointed to gouerne Millen. The Emperour perceyuinge the Popes obstinate minde, taking with him many Princes of Italye came to Rome, and was honourablye receyued of al the people, and required according to the custome to receiue the solemnityes of the Empyre. The Romaine peeres and all the people sent Embassadours to Pope Iohn in Fraunce, and humbly besought him to come to visit his City Rome, & to bestowe vpon the king of the Romaynes the imperiall rites: which if he would not do, they said plainly that they them selues would keepe the ould law & priuiledge of the Romaynes. Iohn hauing heard the Embassadours, vsing great threates and terrours draue them away with foule rebuke frō him. The Romaynes, seing this decreed to yeld to the noble Lewis his lawfull request: and so by the commaundement of the clergy and people, both he and his wyfe together were crowned by Steuē & Nicolas being Senatours, in the meane time the nobilitye shouted oute, saying: God saue Lewis Augustus Emperour of the Romaynes. The Pope hearing this (though the Emperour did nothing but that was lawful and godly) did accuse him for a traytour, and an heretick: he published sore processe against him, put [Page] him frō his estate imperial, depriued him of his kingdome, condemned him by vile and cruel curse of excōmunication, as a rebell and Captaine heretick againste the Church of Rome, by meanes whereof he enflamed all Christendome with such discord & deadly warres, as could not afterward be quenched in thirty yeres. Thus farre wryteth Marius. 2ff7e9595c

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